Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Achieving Balance
Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing those you hold well.
-- Josh Billings
Whether you are a high school player, college player, club player, senior or Master player, when the season arrives anxiety and the accompanying stress build. Other stresses of life such as finding the right college, job, relationship or family life compound the problem. It is important that you learn to prioritize and balance your life so that you can maintain some degree of sanity.
You all have probably heard the cliché that if you want something done give it to someone who is really busy. As strange as that might sound, it is true. This is because really busy people tend to be able to prioritize and are usually extremely well organized. Being balanced isn’t really something you are; it is something you do. Sports is a metaphor for life and maintaining your balance on and off the field, is a never-ending challenge. Need convincing? Take a look at your own daily tightrope. Life’s challenges come in all shapes and sizes. The demands of work, the push and pull of family, and relationships are ongoing. Often, the scales get tipped, leaving you feeling stressed, unfulfilled, and exhausted.
Think in terms of a see-saw, as long as the individuals on the see-saw are virtually the same the see-saw can balance. It also takes very little effort to make it go up and down. If however there is a significant discrepancy in weight it’s hard work to bring yourself back down to where both feet are planted firmly on the ground. As the weighting of different aspects of life changes, the fulcrum must be moved to maintain equilibrium. If the fulcrum needs to be moved too far, one must question the established priorities.
Balance is connection. It would be nice to feel that connection more often to deflect the stress from life’s overloads. It means taking control of your life and building your “to do” list into a healthy, well-rounded action plan. You can have it all; not necessarily at once, but in a balanced flow that tips the scales in your favour and keeps the fulcrum generally cantered.
But first you need to make some self-prioritizing choices.. All you need to do is make a commitment to take care of your physical and emotional self. By finding your fitness balance, you can develop the energy and confidence to better handle life’s challenges. The payoff will be well worth the effort.
Balanced lifestyle?
What does a balanced lifestyle mean to you? Write down on a piece of paper 10 columns. Break them down into the areas outlined below. These are the pillars of a balanced life. (Ben Dean Mentor Coach™ )
These ten pillars represent every aspect of your life. Ask yourself “How fulfilled am I with this domain?”
In the margin outside each pillar, assign yourself a score where “0” is “no fulfilment or satisfaction at all (aka “lousy") and 10 is “completely fulfilled.” But, keep in mind that 10 does not mean it cannot be improved or that it will not require continuing attention to maintain this level of satisfaction. It means that, for the moment, you are feeling complete fulfilment in this arena. You can also split a section in half. For example, you could assign “Home/Office (Environment)” a “7” at the office and a “2” at home. As you assign the number, also draw a line to indicate graphically, how much fulfilment you have with each pillar.).
The titles for the ten pillars are:
1. Professional (0-10)_________________
2. Financial (0-10)_________________
3. Physical (0-10)_________________
4. Spiritual (0-10)_________________
5. Social Support (0-10)_________________
6. Intimacy (0-10)_________________
7. Inner Life (0-10)_________________
8. Learning/Growth (0-10)_________________
9. Home/Office (Environment) (0-10)_________________
10. Play/Fun (0-10)_________________
Now, take a look at your weekly balancing act. Do you see the priorities in your life? Do any categories need adjusting? Remember, balance is a work in progress.
The Fitness Balance – A Body/Mind Connection
Excessive training does not equate with fitness. Rest figures into the picture as well. The real secret to health is balance.
You played the game, but your heart wasn’t in it. You climbed the rock wall, but your fears pulled you down. You got a headache because you were stressed. Or was it the other way around?
The body and mind work in conjunction or sometimes at odds with each other. Whether you’re going for a shot on goal, penalty shot, a chip shot, making the lay-up, or arguing with your coach or boss, there’s more than your arms, legs and mouth that are accountable. The 6 inches between your ears needs the same training, conditioning and healing as the body. The body and mind must work as a unit for you to feel balanced and connected. Neither can be ignored.
By taking care of both, you will have the tools to handle your daily overload. Just as top athletes listen to their bodies, they listen to their souls as well. They know both must be in sync to perform their best. By taking care of the body, emotional and mental health will follow, allowing the best performance to bee achieved.
A Beneficial Balance
Being fit sets off a chain reaction. Your self-esteem is reinforced, affecting your total lifestyle. You eat better, sleep better, love better. Fitness will give you the stamina to handle life with assurance, performing at your best when the pressure’s on.
What can you expect when you embark on a regular activity program? Your lungs will take in more oxygen. Your heart will work more efficiently. Your muscles will grow stronger and become more elastic. You’ll begin to burn fat and increase muscle and bone mass. Your creativity will be enhanced. You’ll make the best of life.
Benefits of Regular Activity
Weight Control – The safest way to maintain ideal body weight and prevent obesity is to remain physically active.
A Stronger Heart – Evidence shows that moderate exercise can cut the risk of heart disease in women by 40%. (Study done by Dr. JoAnn Manson, co-director of women’s health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, 1995).
Good Cholesterol – Moderate activity can raise High Density Lipoproteins (HDLs), the good” type of cholesterol, while lowering Low Density Lipoproteins (LDLs), the harmful cholesterol.
Builds Strong Bones – Moderate activity can help protect your bones from the slow decay of osteoporosis, which causes bones to become weak and brittle. By working with weights twice a week, postmenopausal women can resist osteoporosis. health maintenance is the most important benefit of regular participation in sports and fitness activities, according to 41% of women surveyed.
Good Aging – Evidence suggests that an active lifestyle and a healthy diet can prevent the most common disorders of aging. Only about 30% of the characteristics of aging are genetically determined. The other 70% are linked to lifestyle.
Increased Muscle Mass – To lose the weight use the weight. Activities that build strength also build lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle mass you develop, the less body fat you carry around.
Fights Cancer – A study at the University of California School of Medicine found that regular exercise during childbearing years significantly reduced breast cancer among study participants. (Reported in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Sept. 21, 1994.)
Emotional Health – Physical exertion produces a steady stream of endorphins, natural chemicals in the brain that that make you feel good. Exercise releases pent-up tension, increasing relaxation and decreasing sleepless
Do you have a balance in your lifestyle?
Yours in fitness and healthy lifestyle
Tshepo Khoza
Athletics Performance Specialist
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